binary coded decimal - определение. Что такое binary coded decimal
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Что (кто) такое binary coded decimal - определение

Binary Coded Decimal; Binary coded decimal; Packed decimal; Binary-coded decimal notation; Binary-Coded Decimal; BCD code; Zoned decimal; Nbcd; NBCD; Bcd number; Packed BCD; Unpacked BCD; BCD4; Packed binary-coded decimal; Pseudo-tetrade; Pseudo tetrade; Pseudo-tetrades; Pseudo tetrades; Pseudo tetrad; Pseudo-tetrad; Pseudotetrad; Pseudotetrade; Pseudo tetrads; Pseudo-tetrads; Pseudotetrads; TBCD (computing); TBCD (telecommunications); Unpacked binary-coded decimal; Pseudo-decimal digit; Pseudo combination (computing); Pseudo decimal digit; Zoned BCD; Zoned binary-coded decimal; 8-4-2-1 code; 8-4-2-1 (code); 8-4-2-1 BCD; BCD 8-4-2-1; 8421 BCD; BCD 8421; 8-4-2-1 BCD code; BCD arithmetic; Natural BCD; 8 4 2 1 code; 8421 code; Pseudo-decimal; Pseudo-decimals; Pseudodecimals; Pseudodecimal; Pseudo decimals; Pseudo decimal; Conventional binary coded decimal; Conventional BCD; Conventional binary-coded decimal; Natural binary coded decimal; Natural binary-coded decimal; Excess-0; Excess-0 code; XS-0; XS-0 code; Compressed BCD; Compressed binary-coded decimal; Packed Decimal; 8421 BCD code; 8 4 2 1 BCD; 8 4 2 1 BCD code; Jump-at-8 code; Jump-at-8; Jump-at-2 code; Jump-at-2; White code; White BCD code; 4-2-2-1 BCD code; 4-2-2-1 code; 4221 BCD code; 4221 code; 4 2 2 1 BCD code; 4 2 2 1 code; 5421 code; 5421 BCD code; 5-4-2-1 code; 5-4-2-1 BCD code; 5 4 2 1 code; 5 4 2 1 BCD code; 5-2-2-1 BCD code; 5 2 2 1 code; 5-2-2-1 code; 5221 BCD code; 5 2 2 1 BCD code; 5221 code; 5311 code; 5311 BCD code; 5-3-1-1 code; 5-3-1-1 BCD code; 5 3 1 1 code; 5 3 1 1 BCD code; BCD notation; LARC code; LARC BCD code; LARC BCD; BCD LARC; UNIVAC LARC code; UNIVAC LARC BCD code; UNIVAC LARC BCD; Pure binary coded decimal; Pure binary-coded decimal; Natural Binary Coded Decimal; Pure Binary Coded Decimal; Pure BCD; Natural BCD code; Pure BCD code; XS-0 BCD; Excess-0 BCD; 7-4-2-1 BCD; Pseudo-pentade; Pseudo-pentades; Pseudo pentade; Pseudopentade; Pseudo pentades; Pseudopentades; Pseudodigit; Pseudo-digit; Pseudo digit; BCD integer; Ferranti code; Decimal-coded binary code; Decimal-coded binary; Decimal-coded Binary Code; 5-421 code; 5-421
  • LED]]s to express binary values. In this clock, each column of LEDs shows a binary-coded decimal numeral of the traditional [[sexagesimal]] time.
Найдено результатов: 733
Binary-coded decimal         
In computing and an electronic systems, binary-coded decimal (BCD) is a class of binary encodings of decimal numbers where each digit is represented by a fixed number of bits, usually four or eight. Sometimes, special bit patterns are used for a sign or other indications (e.
binary coded decimal         
<data> (BCD, packed decimal) A number representation where a number is expressed as a sequence of decimal digits and then each decimal digit is encoded as a four-bit binary number (a nibble). E.g. decimal 92 would be encoded as the eight-bit sequence 1001 0010. In some cases, the right-most nibble contains the sign (positive or negative). It is easier to convert decimal numbers to and from BCD than binary and, though BCD is often converted to binary for arithmetic processing, it is possible to build hardware that operates directly on BCD. [Do calculators use BCD?] (2001-01-27)
packed decimal         
Natural Binary Coded Decimal
Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code         
  • [[Punched card]] with the Hollerith encoding of the 1964 EBCDIC character set. Contrast at the top is enhanced to show the printed characters. The "number" punches (0-9) directly translate to the lower 4 bits of EBCDIC, though the upper 4 bits of EBCDIC are more complex.
List of EBCDIC code pages with Latin-1 character set; Ebcdic; EPCDIC; EBCD; Ebcidic; EBCDIC 8859; List of EBCDIC code pages with Latin-1-charset; Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code; Extended Binary-Coded Decimal Interchange Code; Extended BCD Interchange Code; EBCD Interchange Code; Extended Binary Coded Decimal Information Code; Extended Binary-Coded Decimal Information Code; Extended BCD Information Code; EBCD Information Code; Extended binary coded decimal information code; Extended binary-coded decimal information code; Extended BCD information code; EBCD information code; Extended binary coded decimal interchange code; Extended binary-coded decimal interchange code; Extended BCD interchange code; EBCD interchange code; Extended Binary Coded Decimals Interchange Code; Country Extended Code Page
<character, standard> /eb's*-dik/, /eb'see'dik/, /eb'k*-dik/, /ee'bik'dik'/, /*-bik'dik'/ (EBCDIC) A proprietary 8-bit character set used on IBM dinosaurs, the AS/400, and e-Server. EBCDIC is an extension to 8 bits of BCDIC (Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code), an earlier 6-bit character set used on IBM computers. EBCDIC was [first?] used on the successful System/360, anounced on 1964-04-07, and survived for many years despite the almost universal adoption of ASCII elsewhere. Was this concern for backward compatibility or, as many believe, a marketing strategy to lock in IBM customers? IBM created 57 national EBCDIC character sets and an International Reference Version (IRV) based on ISO 646 (and hence ASCII compatible). Documentation on these was not easily accessible making international exchange of data even between IBM mainframes a tricky task. US EBCDIC uses more or less the same characters as ASCII, but different code points. It has non-contiguous letter sequences, some ASCII characters do not exist in EBCDIC (e.g. square brackets), and EBCDIC has some (cent sign, not sign) not in ASCII. As a consequence, the translation between ASCII and EBCDIC was never officially completely defined. Users defined one translation which resulted in a so-called de-facto EBCDIC containing all the characters of ASCII, that all ASCII-related programs use. Some printers, telex machines, and even electronic cash registers can speak EBCDIC, but only so they can converse with IBM mainframes. For an in-depth discussion of character code sets, and full translation tables, see {Guidelines on 8-bit character codes (}. {A history of character codes (}. E.g. the EBCDIC code for "A" is hexadecimal "C1". (2002-03-03)
  • [[Punched card]] with the Hollerith encoding of the 1964 EBCDIC character set. Contrast at the top is enhanced to show the printed characters. The "number" punches (0-9) directly translate to the lower 4 bits of EBCDIC, though the upper 4 bits of EBCDIC are more complex.
List of EBCDIC code pages with Latin-1 character set; Ebcdic; EPCDIC; EBCD; Ebcidic; EBCDIC 8859; List of EBCDIC code pages with Latin-1-charset; Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code; Extended Binary-Coded Decimal Interchange Code; Extended BCD Interchange Code; EBCD Interchange Code; Extended Binary Coded Decimal Information Code; Extended Binary-Coded Decimal Information Code; Extended BCD Information Code; EBCD Information Code; Extended binary coded decimal information code; Extended binary-coded decimal information code; Extended BCD information code; EBCD information code; Extended binary coded decimal interchange code; Extended binary-coded decimal interchange code; Extended BCD interchange code; EBCD interchange code; Extended Binary Coded Decimals Interchange Code; Country Extended Code Page
  • [[Punched card]] with the Hollerith encoding of the 1964 EBCDIC character set. Contrast at the top is enhanced to show the printed characters. The "number" punches (0-9) directly translate to the lower 4 bits of EBCDIC, though the upper 4 bits of EBCDIC are more complex.
List of EBCDIC code pages with Latin-1 character set; Ebcdic; EPCDIC; EBCD; Ebcidic; EBCDIC 8859; List of EBCDIC code pages with Latin-1-charset; Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code; Extended Binary-Coded Decimal Interchange Code; Extended BCD Interchange Code; EBCD Interchange Code; Extended Binary Coded Decimal Information Code; Extended Binary-Coded Decimal Information Code; Extended BCD Information Code; EBCD Information Code; Extended binary coded decimal information code; Extended binary-coded decimal information code; Extended BCD information code; EBCD information code; Extended binary coded decimal interchange code; Extended binary-coded decimal interchange code; Extended BCD interchange code; EBCD interchange code; Extended Binary Coded Decimals Interchange Code; Country Extended Code Page
<spelling> It's spelled "EBCDIC". (1996-12-13)
  • [[Punched card]] with the Hollerith encoding of the 1964 EBCDIC character set. Contrast at the top is enhanced to show the printed characters. The "number" punches (0-9) directly translate to the lower 4 bits of EBCDIC, though the upper 4 bits of EBCDIC are more complex.
List of EBCDIC code pages with Latin-1 character set; Ebcdic; EPCDIC; EBCD; Ebcidic; EBCDIC 8859; List of EBCDIC code pages with Latin-1-charset; Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code; Extended Binary-Coded Decimal Interchange Code; Extended BCD Interchange Code; EBCD Interchange Code; Extended Binary Coded Decimal Information Code; Extended Binary-Coded Decimal Information Code; Extended BCD Information Code; EBCD Information Code; Extended binary coded decimal information code; Extended binary-coded decimal information code; Extended BCD information code; EBCD information code; Extended binary coded decimal interchange code; Extended binary-coded decimal interchange code; Extended BCD interchange code; EBCD interchange code; Extended Binary Coded Decimals Interchange Code; Country Extended Code Page
Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code (EBCDIC; ) is an eight-bit character encoding used mainly on IBM mainframe and IBM midrange computer operating systems. It descended from the code used with punched cards and the corresponding six-bit binary-coded decimal code used with most of IBM's computer peripherals of the late 1950s and early 1960s.
  • [[Punched card]] with the Hollerith encoding of the 1964 EBCDIC character set. Contrast at the top is enhanced to show the printed characters. The "number" punches (0-9) directly translate to the lower 4 bits of EBCDIC, though the upper 4 bits of EBCDIC are more complex.
List of EBCDIC code pages with Latin-1 character set; Ebcdic; EPCDIC; EBCD; Ebcidic; EBCDIC 8859; List of EBCDIC code pages with Latin-1-charset; Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code; Extended Binary-Coded Decimal Interchange Code; Extended BCD Interchange Code; EBCD Interchange Code; Extended Binary Coded Decimal Information Code; Extended Binary-Coded Decimal Information Code; Extended BCD Information Code; EBCD Information Code; Extended binary coded decimal information code; Extended binary-coded decimal information code; Extended BCD information code; EBCD information code; Extended binary coded decimal interchange code; Extended binary-coded decimal interchange code; Extended BCD interchange code; EBCD interchange code; Extended Binary Coded Decimals Interchange Code; Country Extended Code Page
Extended Binary-Coded Decimal Interchange Code
decimal point         
  • Data unavailable}}
  • via=scan published by [[Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics]] }}</ref>
  • California milepost marker at mile 144.44
  • Three ways to group the number ten thousand with digit group separators.<br/>1) Space, the internationally recommended thousands separator.<br/>2) Period (or full stop), the thousands separator used in many non-English speaking countries.<br/>3) Comma, the thousands separator used in most English-speaking countries.
Radix point; Decimal comma; Decimal point; ٫; Binary point; Momayyez; Decimal dot; Thousands separator; Digit group separator; Decimal period; Thousands' separator; Decimal divider; Digit grouping; Radix character; ⎖; Radix mark; Radix separator; ٬; Decimal separator key; Decimal sign; Thousands-separator; Upper comma; Decimal form; Decimal marker; Monetary decimal separator; Numeric decimal separator; Version decimal separator; Decimal version separator; Pythagorean arc; Separatrix (decimal mark); Decimal marks; Decimal separators; Decimal mark; Thousands divider; Thousand divider; Thousand separator; Thousands period; Thousands comma; Thousands marker; Decimal separation
<character> "." ASCII character 46. Common names are: point; dot; ITU-T, USA: period; ITU-T: decimal point. Rare: radix point; UK: full stop; INTERCAL: spot. (1995-03-14)


Binary-coded decimal

In computing and electronic systems, binary-coded decimal (BCD) is a class of binary encodings of decimal numbers where each digit is represented by a fixed number of bits, usually four or eight. Sometimes, special bit patterns are used for a sign or other indications (e.g. error or overflow).

In byte-oriented systems (i.e. most modern computers), the term unpacked BCD usually implies a full byte for each digit (often including a sign), whereas packed BCD typically encodes two digits within a single byte by taking advantage of the fact that four bits are enough to represent the range 0 to 9. The precise 4-bit encoding, however, may vary for technical reasons (e.g. Excess-3).

The ten states representing a BCD digit are sometimes called tetrades (for the nibble typically needed to hold them is also known as a tetrade) while the unused, don't care-states are named pseudo-tetrad(e)s, pseudo-decimals or pseudo-decimal digits.

BCD's main virtue, in comparison to binary positional systems, is its more accurate representation and rounding of decimal quantities, as well as its ease of conversion into conventional human-readable representations. Its principal drawbacks are a slight increase in the complexity of the circuits needed to implement basic arithmetic as well as slightly less dense storage.

BCD was used in many early decimal computers, and is implemented in the instruction set of machines such as the IBM System/360 series and its descendants, Digital Equipment Corporation's VAX, the Burroughs B1700, and the Motorola 68000-series processors. BCD per se is not as widely used as in the past, and is unavailable or limited in newer instruction sets (e.g., ARM; x86 in long mode). However, decimal fixed-point and decimal floating-point formats are still important and continue to be used in financial, commercial, and industrial computing, where the subtle conversion and fractional rounding errors that are inherent in binary floating point formats cannot be tolerated.